Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Natural Hair Spotlight Month: Meet Keith and Travis!

Hey everyone!

We are continuing with Natural Hair Spotlight month this week and focusing on the guys! I have 2 naturalistos (I just made that up) who I interviewed for this week's post! One of them is my brother-in-law, Keith, and the other is my love, Travis! I hope y'all enjoy reading their interviews and learn some valuable things! :) Lets get started!

Meet Keith!

Name: Keith Butler Jr.
Age: 25
How long have you been natural: Forever!
What made you decide to return to your natural hair: I didn't want to look like Katt Williams!
How did your friends/significant other/family react to your decision: *I'll answer this as if you're asking about my decision to start/grow my locs* My family didn't really like the idea of me having locs. They all thought locs were nasty. Krystal (my wife) was the most supportive. She was only hesitant because she liked my short hair.
How do they feel now: My family approves! I guess they see that locs are great when they're taken care of properly.
How is your hair viewed in the workplace/at school/among friends: It seems as if my friends/coworkers/peers don't view my hair any differently than before I had locs. They ask more questions, but that's about it. I think being a musician helps. A different/creative style is what most people expect from creatives.
What is your style of choice: I prefer to have the locs down. I don't really like putting them up in a hair band. Gotta let them breathe!
What led to that decision: I'm not really sure. I like to let my hair do what it does if that make sense. I don't really like letting environments (business, professional, etc) determine what I do with my hair, so I try to go with the flow.
Did you experiment with any other styles before sticking with your current style:I tried one of those braided loc styles, but I'll try it again when my hair is longer.
If you could do whatever you wanted to your hair, what would you do (funky cut, color, etc.): I would cut the locs off the sides of my hair and only have locs up top. Basquiat-esque!
What are your must-have staple products/oils: Water and any kind of oil. I've been using the African black castor oil (coconut scent) recently.
What is the biggest learning curve you have encountered with taking care of your natural hair: Product is bad for retwisting! It only causes buildup. And I can't wash my hair like everyone else. Regular shampoo doesn't clean my locs good enough. I used lemon dish soap last time because it also acts as a degreaser.
What is the biggest life lesson you have learned on your natural hair journey: Our hair is very important. Sacred if you will. Especially these locs. I feel lik they represent bigger things like my commitment to my wife. I'm commited to these locs through the good and the bad hair days. Just like marriage!
If you could change one thing about your journey thus far, what would you change: I would never have used product. It's terrible!
What has been your biggest personal gain since the start of your journey: Just learning how to care for what I've been entrusted with in this life. It takes a lot of TLC to maintain this hair.
Do you think you have inspired any guy friends to go natural or to take better care of their hair: Hmmm. I hope so!
Any advice for anyone considering taking the leap into living a natural hair lifestyle: Go for it! Don't let societal pressures determine how your heart feels. Do it!
Business/blog/social media inquiry info:
Twitter: @killabeets
Tumblr: Keith Butler Jr.
Facebook: " "

                                                                           Meet Travis!
Name: Travis Eaton
Age: 22
Describe your “pre-natural hair” (damaged, dry, etc.): I had waves before, but due to using unhealthy chemicals that were in the products I was using, my hair was thinner in some areas of my head than others.
How long have you been natural:1 year and 1 month
What made you decide to return to your natural hair:I just wanted to have healthier hair.
How did your friends/significant other/family react to your decision:My friends and family tell me that the short hair look is fine so they were neutral. However, my girlfriend, who is the wonderful creator of this blog, was very very supportive of my decision!
How do they feel now:Everyone is happy now. My hair has come back healthier and wavier than ever.
How is your hair viewed in the workplace/at school/among friends:When I go somewhere, one of the first things someone tells me normally is that I have nice hair.
What is your style of choice: My hairstyle of choice is either a low taper or a fade.
What led to that decision: The 2 hair styles I alternate between are just very clean and professional, but at the same time, they still allow me have my waves.
Did you experiment with any other styles before sticking with your current style: No I did not
If you could do whatever you wanted to your hair, what would you do (funky cut, color, etc.): I would think about getting a part again, but that’s about it.
What are your must-have staple products/oils: Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner and Extra Virgin Olive Oil
What is the biggest learning curve you have encountered with taking care of your natural hair: Just how often I should wash my hair and how to properly wash my hair.
What is the biggest life lesson you have learned on your natural hair journey: Honestly, the biggest lesson I learned was how hard women have it if they decide to do a big chop. The world judges them and at times it is very hard, but you have to remind yourself that it is a process.
If you could change one thing about your journey thus far, what would you change: Nothing. I wouldn’t change my journey at all!
What has been your biggest personal gain since the start of your journey: Just more confidence and being more comfortable in my skin.
Do you think you have inspired any guy friends to go natural or to take better care of their hair: Yes. A few of my friends have decided to follow my lead. They have started using Shea Moisture, and they ask me for tips here and there.
Any advice for anyone considering taking the leap into living a natural hair lifestyle: Do it! The journey is more than worth it! Besides growing healthier hair, the journey will force you to gain more confidence, so it is a win-win!
Thank you so much for reading! If you have any questions for these guys or any of the ladies I have interviewed in the past few weeks, leave your comment or question in the comment section of their interview post and I will send the question/comment their way and reply to your comment with their response! Thank you again so much for your support! It means the world to me!

Don't miss next week! It is the last Natural Hair Spotlight month post and I have interviews from 3 lovely ladies to share with y'all! And as always, be sure to cast your vote on my monthly poll located on the left under "The Purpose"! The winning choice will be announced on the first post of every month! Again, thank you for the support and I'll see y'all on the next post!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Natural Hair Spotlight: Meet Teleza, Alyssia, and Katrena!

Hey everyone!

This is the second week of Natural Hair Spotlight Month! This week, I interviewed 3 lovely naturals for y'all who are near and dear to my heart! So let's get started with my bestest friend eveeeerrr, Teleza!

Meet Teleza!
Name: Teleza Genwright
Age: 22
Describe your “pre-natural hair” days: Relaxed with dry and damaged ends
How long have you been natural: Coming up on a year on Thanksgiving Day (Thanks to Krissy)
What made you decide to return to your curls: I have a best friend, (who’s amazingly persistent by the way) that would always be in awe of my “curl pattern” whenever I was close to needing a relaxer. She kept pushing me (in a motivational way) to try it, so I finally did. I looked at old pics of me when I was little too and I thought I had awesome hair.
Did you transition or big chop: Sort of both! I cut my relaxed hair real short and then big chopped from there.
What made you choose one over the other: Relaxers where becoming an expensive non-necessity! I was seeing the ways in which my friends and my mom were benefiting from becoming a natural diva! It made me appreciate it more and want to begin to try it out for myself.
How long has it been since your big chop: Almost a year! I big chopped on November 27, 2013
How did your friends/significant other/family react to your decision: They were super excited! More excited than I was at the time because I equated short hair to not being beautiful and becoming on me. That was one of the many initial insecurities I had to deal with when I first became a natural!
How do they feel now: They encourage me and help me to feel comfortable and beautiful in my own skin (and hair)!
How is your natural hair viewed in the workplace/at school/among friends: Great! They don’t treat me any differently or anything. What I think everyone who isn’t natural needs to realize is that it’s just hair and regardless of what texture anyone’s hair is, it’s beautiful!
How do you normally style your hair/what are your go-to styles: Wash-N-Go all day! That hairstyle has saved me ever since I’ve started and I love how quick and easy it is. Unfortunately (and fortunately), my hair is getting too long to try and pull off the finger twists anymore, so I have to begin looking and researching for new styles for my newly grown hair! I currently keep my hair in Havana/Marley twists all the time!
Are you a “I want to experiment with my hair weekly” kind of natural, or a “Put it in some braids or twists for a few months at a time and call it a day” kind of natural: the latter of the two options definitely! I have marley/havana twists in as we speak (haha)! I am currently in college and working on graduating in May 15 so I don’t necessarily have the time to research and try new things that may or may not work in my favor. These twists have saved my life and most importantly, I’ve learned to do them myself!
If you could do whatever you wanted to your hair, what would you do (funky cut, color, etc.): I’d definitely go with an ombre-ish brown/blonde color if I thought I could pull it off. Not sure yet what the future holds for me and my natural hair, but I know I want it to be very long and luscious. Patience is definitely key to this journey!
What are your must-have staple products/oils: Shea Moisture does wonders! When I first started, I used: 
  • Shea Moisture Moisture Retention (for my dry and damaged hair)
  • Shea MoistureRaw Shea Butter Reconstructive Finishing Elixir (for a little bit of that extra shine and moisture lock-in).
  • Shea Moisture :Curl Enhancing Smoothie
  • Eco Style Gel with Argon Oil
Now that I have less dry and no more damaged hair, I use:
  • Shea Moisture Thickening Shampoo
  • Shea Moisture Thickening Growth Milk 
  • Shea Moisture :Curl Enhancing Smoothie
  • Eco Style Gel with Argon Oil
What is the biggest life lesson you have learned on your natural hair journey: How to be comfortable and beautiful in my own skin! Before, I used to always ALWAYS be insecure about my hair and how short it was since it got chopped. I used to wear hats and wigs constantly to mask the feeling that my hair was never long enough. After a while, I realized that it’s just hair and was surprised at how quickly it would grow with every wash. I’m definitely more comfortable with myself now in knowing I can rock hairstyles at any length. There’s a ton of history behind the everyday natural and I’m just happy to be a part of the legacy that is the amazing natural diva!
If you could change one thing about your journey thus far, what would you change: Not one thing! I figured out ways to fix my hair to where I’m comfortable wearing it out!
What has been your biggest personal gain since the start of your journey: Little bit more confidence and the ability to embrace my curls no matter what.
Any advice for anyone considering taking the leap into returning to their curls: Dooo eeeeettttt! If you’re on the fence about it (like I was for so long), just try it, try out what products work for you. If you find you don’t like it in a year or 2, you could always go back to relaxers, but at least you can say you tried. Disclaimer though: Once you go Natural, you never go back!
Meet Alyssia!
Name: Alyssia Gonzalez
Age: 21
Describe your “pre-natural hair”: My “pre-natural” hair was relaxed. As much as I use to dye my hair, I'm surprised that it wasn't damaged, haha!
How long have you been natural: I've been natural for about three years now.
What made you decide to return to your curls: For as long as I could remember, I got relaxers put in my hair. My mother did my hair, and I think that she put relaxers in my hair because that's how her mother did her hair. When I was living at home she was my personal hairstylist, but when I came to college, I didn't get a chance to go home as much. Since I wasn't going home as much, I wasn't getting a relaxer put in my hair. It was like a year when I started realizing how curly my roots and such had gotten. I used to always talk about how natural wasn't for me, but when I started to actually see the difference, that's when I decided that I would transition to natural hair. It has been love ever since!
Did you transition or big chop: I transitioned. I wasn't too comfortable doing the big chop. I didn't think it was a look that suited me, but the transition period was so hard for me because I had natural hair at the roots, but the ends were just bone straight. Haha, my mother hated it so bad and wanted me to just cut off the straight hair, but I wouldn't until my natural hair grew out a little longer. As soon as it got to a length I was comfortable with (about another six months after I decided to go natural) I just cut the rest of it off.
What made you choose one over the other: I'm not a huge hair extraordinaire, and I didn't really know anything about what “being natural” was until coming to college. I ADORE curly hair on women, and I use to always wish that my hair was like that. This may sound dumb, but I didn't know that all it took to achieve that look was as easy as choosing not to have a relaxer. If I would've known that, I would've stopped getting relaxers a long time ago. When I started to see my curl pattern come in and really get defined is when I feel in love. I'm in love with every strand of my natural curly hair now :)
How long has it been since your big chop: It's been about two and half years since I transitioned. I didn't know my hair could grow as fast as it did!
How did your friends/significant other/family react to your decision: No one had an extreme dislike for what I decided to do, but they did ask me “Are you sure that's what you want to do?” I'm sure that uncertainty came from me always changing my hair color, styles, etc. because I would get bored with hairstyles extremely fast. I'm sure they thought of it as just as phase. As I went through the process, I got more and more interested in the process and learning my hair. I think they saw how passionate I got about it and when my natural hair started becoming more apparent they insisted that I keep it that way. They really liked the change.
How do they feel now: They love it even more now. It has grown so much and it has gotten so long. I recently straightened it for senior pictures and it reached down pass my collar bone. I was really excited because you wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at it. My husband came around two years into my journey and he's always loved my natural hair. He's been away for a while because he just joined the Air Force back in March, so we haven't seen each other much over the past few months. If he loved it before, I know he'll just die when he see's it now!
How is your natural hair viewed in the workplace/at school/among friends: All of my friends embrace natural hair. We are all naturals and we talk about it all the time.
How do you normally style your hair/what are your go-to styles: Now that my hair has gotten longer, I usually just wake up shake it out and go. It's finally at a length to where my hair falls just the way I like it too. When I get tired of my hair falling into my face, I just pull it up into a high poof. I never really like doing anything too extra with my hair. I don't feel like I can pull it off, haha.
Are you a “I want to experiment with my hair weekly” kind of natural, or a “Put it in some braids or twists for a few months at a time and call it a day” kind of natural: I go through phases, but if I had to choose, I'm mostly a Put it in some braids or twists for a few months at a time and call it a day.” Since I don't feel like my hair is long enough for me to style I how I want, putting twists, braids, etc. seems so much easier to me.
If you could do whatever you wanted to your hair, what would you do (funky cut, color, etc.): I have wanted to color my hair for the longest time, the only thing is, I want it like a really bright blonde color, like bleach blonde with dark roots. I'm so afraid because I think its going to totally ruin my hair.
What are your must-have staple products/oils:
  • Cantu: Leave-in Conditioner
  • Mixed Chicks: Leave-in condition
  • Coconut Oil
  • Shea-Moisture Kids Detangler (It works amazing on my hair!)
What is the biggest life lesson you have learned on your natural hair journey: There is no such thing as perfect hair! Instead of trying to manipulate my hair to be a certain way, I've learned to embrace my hair the way it is. When I wake up in the morning I don't have perfect curls, but when I wet my hair without adding products to it, I have a messy afro. And I've learned to love it!
If you could change one thing about your journey thus far, what would you change: I wish I would've started my journey way earlier.
What has been your biggest personal gain since the start of your journey: I think that it would be confidence. I know it's just hair, but I feel my hair defines me. I haven't been more happy with myself since I decided to transition to natural hair. I don't feel the need to change styles as much because I'm just happy with my natural hair :)
Any advice for anyone considering taking the leap into returning to their curls: I highly recommend it. I think it is important to learn your hair and whats good and bad for it. It is definitely something to get use too. I was frustrated at first because when it was shorter because there wasn't much to do with it. In the long run, it'll be well worth it because I look back on my journey and see how far my hair has become and I get so happy. I can't wait for it to get even longer. It makes me proud when people ask me, “Is that YOUR hair?” There's a stereotype that black women don't have “good hair,” and it makes me proud to prove people wrong, even if it's mostly subliminal.
Business/blog/social media inquiry info: Instagram: @alyssiaa20

Meet Katrena!

Name: Katrena Garrison
Age: 29
Describe your “pre-natural hair” (relaxed, damaged, dry, etc.): Relaxed and Damaged
How long have you been natural: 15 months
What made you decide to return to your curls: I kept having to cut my hair because the damaged parts would continue to break off and I had to even out the length of my hair. I figured that by going natural my hair would return to its healthier self. My sisters also went natural and were my inspiration for my big chop.
Did you transition or big chop: Both
How long did you transition before your big chop: 9 months
How did your friends/significant other/family react to your decision: Everyone was very supportive
How do they feel now: Everyone loves my natural hair; Many people have said that this is the best style for me
How is your natural hair viewed in the workplace/at school/among friends: Everyone at work loves my hair; My Supervisor at the time really encouraged me to do my big chop. The only person at work who initially had an issue was a fellow African-American co-worker of mine who asked why I wanted to go natural and if I really thought it was a good idea. After my big chop she did come around and say that it was a good choice.
How do you normally style your hair/what are your go-to styles: I’m a full-time working Mom with 4 small children. My go-to –style is the wash n go it is simple and quick.
Are you a “I want to experiment with my hair weekly” kind of natural, or a “Put it in some braids or twists for a few months at a time and call it a day” kind of natural: I don’t really experiment; I have done a Mohawk and tried twists, but I like the standard afro style
If you could do whatever you wanted to your hair, what would you do (funky cut, color, etc.): I would dye my hair blonde and grow it another 6 inches
What are your must-have staple products/oils: Cantu Shampoo and Conditioner and Mousse
What is the biggest life lesson you have learned on your natural hair journey: I have learned to appreciate my natural beauty
If you could change one thing about your journey thus far, what would you change: I would have done it sooner
What has been your biggest personal gain since the start of your journey: I don’t have to sit through relaxers anymore
Any advice for anyone considering taking the leap into returning to their curls: It won’t hurt to at least try; Your hair will always grow back :)


Thanks so much for reading this week and I hope you gained some insight and inspiration from these ladies! Be sure to check out the blog next week when I post the interviews from my brother-in-law and my honey dip (tehehe)!! :) This post will shed some light on men who are natural and their journey! Be sure to cast your vote on my monthly poll located on the left of the screen under, "The Purpose." As always, thank you so much for the support!